Thursday, March 17, 2011

Flash Fiction: On My Way Home

Inspired by the caffeine-fueled compositions written by my friend, Becky, I decided to have some fun. I thought I'd maybe do a "Flash Fiction Friday" kind of thing here, but Googled it first to see if someone else had already had the idea. Of course, they had. But I found this great site that gives a prompt each Friday, and I decided to give it a go.

Prompt: THEMED WORD LIST – road, beer, luck, coin, pot, gold, rainbow, snakes
Genre: Open
Word Count: Under 1000 words
Deadline: Thursday, March 17, 2011 4:30 pm EST

Written in about 11 minutes, here is: On My Way Home

On a back road in the desert, winding through undulating cliffs of sunset—red, orange, pink, yellow—brilliant in one section, pastel in the next, muted and gray following, I am on my way home, to a bright and shining city of gold, where reality is suspended and improbability is taken for granted. Where rainbows dance at night and luck shines on everyone and beer is free—as long as you keep putting money in the pot. Where, amongst noise of laughter and music and coins falling from the sky, vendors shout their wares, passing out pamphlets that promise a good time with the prettiest girl in town. I am on my way home, I am on a mission, a one-man vigilante squad, intent on eradicating these snakes that peddle the human flesh, as though a human is something that can be bought or sold.


  1. Bravo! Great imaginary!

    I'm one of the Friday Flash Fiction participants but didn't get around to doing a story this week. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff.

  2. That's awesome Angie, I love what you did with it.

  3. Nice piece, I like the way it twists the themes.

  4. Well done. On his way to paradise and intent on keeping it so. Great use of the prompts.
