Friday, May 6, 2011

Coming Home

As a single mom and full-time employee, the idea of undertaking the pursuit of a college degree can be daunting. Add the idea of Honors College on top of it, and it take the idea of overwhelming to a whole 'nother level. a total Type A personality, it's hard to pass up on the idea of Honors College.

So, today, with some trepidation, I met with an Honors College adviser. Who was awesome. And welcoming. And funny. And a fellow Creative Writer who also happened to be a mom.

It was like coming home. Totally opposite of meeting with my English Department adviser ("You're transferring? With all your Gen Eds? Okay, we're done." *Thwack* goes the stamp and on to the next student...). The Honors adviser listened as I said I'm a non-traditional student and wary of taking on more than I can handle. She reassured me that Honors work is not extra work, but rather an opportunity to meet with like-minded folks who are interested in taking a subject to the next level (what? You mean, no slackers?! *gasp* Community college, while beneficial and I am truly grateful for, certainly had it's fair share of non-caring students). Then she called the Honors Dean in (who used to be in the English Dean) and they sat there filling me in on the various English professors--their quirks, their foibles, who was good for someone with my personality--and who wasn't. 

I now know that the classes I'm enrolled in for the fall semester (including one Honors course) will be right up my alley, and the professors are the type I love ("Here's exactly what I want from you to give you an A"). I felt like I wasn't just a number--I was an important person, with important needs, and they wanted to meet those needs and make me happy.

And happy I am.


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